
I try to learn Finnish in this time, but it was really hard, I never learnt a language which is that difficult. I had lessons for one and a half months and I can tell something about me and as well I can order some food in a restaurant but that is everything. I love to hear Finnish because it is totally different to every other language I know.

here some Finnish words:

·   kiitos = thank you
·       moi = hei
·       moikka = hei / bye
·       huementa = good morning
·       anteeksi = sorry
·       tervetuola = welcome
·       joo / kyllä = yes
·       ei = no
·       mina olen = my name is
·       mitä kuuluu? = how are you
·       mikä sinun nimi on? = what is your name
·       kuinka vanhan sinä olet? = how old are you
·       yksi =one
·       kaksi = two
·       kolme = three
·       neljä = four
·       viisi = five
·       kuusi = six
·       seitsemän = seven
·       kahdeksan = eight¨
·       yhdeksän = nine
·       kymmenen = ten
