Finnish people

The Finnish people are really nice and friendly but before you can see that it will take a long time. In the beginning you need to know that Finnish people are shy and not talkative. You always have to start the conversation. You can ask a lot of question, but don’t be mad if there is no question for you. I know it is hard, but you have to be the talkative and after some meeting and a long time they can ask some questions as well and do a conversation. One thing that I learnt in Finland was, don’t smile to strangers in the city center to say hello (we do it in Switzerland) but if you do this in Finland the strangers will look really confused at you and you don’t get a smile back. There is a nice social media page “Finnish nightmares” check it out before you come to Finland maybe it is easier to understand the people.
But they also can be different when they get some alcohol, they are really close and communicate quite open. So there are two sides but it is an interesting experience to live in Finland and get to know Finnish people and their behavior.
